As i have briefly mentioned previously i have asked
15, 15-35 year olds to answer my questionnaires, 10 of them being male, making 5 of them female. I did this on purpose as my adiuence is
mainly targeted towards men. Below i will be analylising my results to the most significant questions out of all 10.
Question 1
The first question being
"what do you expect from a typical horror storyline?" gave me the same answers throughout, everyone stated they expect to see a
murder and there will be a typical
Question 2
My second question is
"what type of music would you expect to hear in the opening sequence?" the feedback i got back from my answered questionaires were either
slow, creepy, eerie or tense/creating suspence. None of the answers were upbeat and fast or classical, which were my other options. This means that i will have to make sure the music which i include within my opening sequences is
slow, which will then
create suspence, whilist keeping it
creepy to satisfy my audience.
Question 3
"would you say it is more important to see the location of the film within the opening sequence or the main character?"
the majority said they would prefer to see the
location of the film rather than the
main character, this being 7 out of 15, i had planned to have an
establising shot of the house before the opening sequence offically gets going, this would obviously be a good idea as the adiuence would like to see the
location so it can set the scene. 6 people said both of them are equally as important as one another, this shows that the
main character does also need to be a significant part of my opening sequence, this is also good as my opening sequence will be based around my
main character.
Question 4
"what do you expect the main character to be like out of the following..?"
- Young teenage girl
- Young Mother
- Older women
- Young teenage boy
- Middle aged man
- Older man
- Other
Out of the options, the only two which my particpants selected were
young teenage girl and
an older women, below is a graph which shows this:
As you can see on the graph, 13 people said they would expect the main character to be a
young teenage girl, and only two said they would expect the it to be an
older women. Out of all of the options i listed, my target audience feel these two are the most relevent, both of these options are of the
same gender aswell. This is a positive answer, as my
main character is a young teenage girl, therefore i know i will be showing my audience exactly what they want too see.
Question 6
"How would you expect the titles to show up?"
- In between different shots (appearing on a black background)
- Over the top of shots, fading in and out
As you can see on the graph, 11 people out of the 15 whom answered my questionnaires stated that they would expect the titles to appear
in between different shots on a black background, leaving only 4 people to say they prefered the titles to appear over the top of shots.
Therefore, this means when i start editing my opening sequence, i need to make my
titles appear on a black background in between various shots.
Question 7
"Where would you prefere the location to be within the opening sequence?"
- In a house
- In the woods
- In a car park
- Other
The only two options which were chosen are
in a house and in the woods, below is a graph which shows this:
As you can see, 11 people said they would prefere the
location to be within a
house in the opening sequence, only 4 people said they would like it to be in a woods, and these were the only options listed. Therefore, this shows us that i should have my opening sequence
located within a house, this was my orignal plan so luckily i can stick to this.
Question 9
"For the opening sequence, would you like to know the main plot striaght away or to be left wondering what is going on?"
As shown on the graph, everyone who answered my questionnaires said they prefere to be
left wondering what is going on rather than knowing the plot instantly within the opening sequence, this means that i need to make sure my opening sequence
doesn't reveal too much. Most people said they like to be left in
suspence, they think it makes it more intresting, it keeps it more of a
mystery! as well as creating
enigma codes. My ideas for my opening sequence should enable a
cliff hanging start, therefore my opening sequence should be of what my target audience want to see.
Question 10
"What do you find most interesting about horror films?"
The answer for this question is extremely repetative, everyone said they loved the following:
- The
thrill of it
- The
tension it creates
- The
twist it has
- Feeling of
- Creating a sence of
Unknowing of what will occur
This shows that for my opening sequence, i need to make sure the audience get a sence of
fear and the feeling of
suspence, i will do this by having the phoncall between the mother and Sophie which will put the audience on the edge of their seats, the
uncertaincy of what is going to happen is also important, the fact that my opening sequence will end when Sophie is out looking for both her mother and brother or when she finds her mothers car, will leave the audience
not knowing what will happen next. The fact that Sophie is very close to her mother and brother, makes the audience feel
sympathy towards her as she doesn't know where either of them are.